I am Happy about my life. Im Romantic, Honest, loving to music, watching movie, Sharing, caring, Im Creative Open Minded person working as Program Officer at a Entertainment and Production Com

Michael Rana: im creative open minded person,...
Seeking: Female Age 18 to 45
Status: 36 Single Straight Male
Interest In: Marriage
Ethnicity: Asian
Living: Live by myself
Eye Catcher: Eyes
Height: 5'5 inches
Body: Skinny
Hair/Eyes: Black, Black
Smoke: Smoke occasionally
Drink: Occasionally
Exercise 2 times a week
Politics: None
Education: Graduate degree
Religion: Spiritual but not religious
Income: $15,001 to $25,000
Occupation: Program Officer
Offspring: None
Personality: No Answer
Country: Bangladesh

I am Happy about my life. Im Romantic, Honest, loving to music, watching movie, Sharing, caring, Im Creative Open Minded person working as Program Officer at a Entertainment and Production Company.

Computer  Read Books  Traveling  Walk Out  Watching Movie