Single Male in Italy, , Singles in Puglia, bari Male

Lukk: vivo solo...mi piacerebbe conoscere una don
Seeking: Female Age 25 to 55
Status: 64 Single Straight Male
Interest In: Long-Term Relationship
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Living: Live by myself
Eye Catcher: Chest
Height: 5'4 inches
Body: Skinny
Hair/Eyes: Afro, Brown
Smoke: No way
Drink: Occasionally
Exercise No Answer
Politics: None
Education: Graduate degree
Religion: Agnostic
Income: $85,001 to $150,000
Occupation: Ingegnere
Offspring: None
Personality: No Answer
Country: Italy
MY STORY figli...adesso vivo e lavoro a malta...ho un appartamento ma vivo solo