Single Female in Philippines, , Singles in Zamboanga del Sur, zamboanga city Female

Ladyflower: i am beautiful no matter what they say,...
Seeking: Male Age 21 to 70
Status: 34 Single Straight Female
Interest In: Long-Term Relationship
Ethnicity: Asian
Living: Live by myself
Eye Catcher: Legs
Height: 5'6 inches
Body: Average
Hair/Eyes: Black, Brown
Smoke: No way
Drink: Occasionally
Exercise Sometimes
Politics: None
Education: Some College
Religion: Spiritual but not religious
Income: Less than $15,000
Occupation: CASHIER
Offspring: None
Personality: Funny
Country: Philippines

Each of us is born with our own type of DNA, with 23 pairs of chromosomes... It completes my characteristics as a human being, and with it, i can say that Im simply unique.

I am just an ordinary woman with simplicity deep within me.I enjoy the beauty of nature... The trees, flowers, and animals... Its as if Im in paradise.

Nothing makes me even happier than to see the dawn of daybreak and the setting of the sun. I can feel the caress of the sea... Sitting on the sandy shore while listening to the dancing waves. It consoles me, most especially when Im weary. I love to travel and experience different kinds of adventure. Watching movies, listening to music, writing and reading are my penchant. Like the explorers, I too, have curiosity about the past, present and the future of the world per se and the phenomena I get to encounter. I love kids. They remind of me when I was a child... Vibrant and playful.

Friends to me are dear. I value them as much as I value my family and myself. I appreciate every single deed they do... Small thing means a lot to me. I giggle at their jokes and Im down when theyre in trouble. Beyond these, I enjoy my own company at times... In solitude I find peace and tranquility.

I like people that are veracious and sensible. However, there is actually no qualification when it comes to friendship. As long as we clique, we could defy the odds and boundaries that may hinder our kinship.

I maybe boisterous and naughty at times, yet Im serious during formal events Sometimes I tend to be antisocial. I dont follow rules. I transgress from limitation. Subconsciously, Im a bit of immature with sensitive feelings. I get irritated when Im being deprecated and intimidated. I am fickle minded. I could easily make decision and I could change it as easier as I made it. Thus, it always engender dilemma.

Although I have negativism, I am also endowed with good traits. I have sympathy to the afflicted ones and compassion to the meek. I am accommodating and approachable. Secrets can be confided to me. I could lend my ear for a talk… No matter what it is about.
I don’t feign affection. When Im happy everybody could notice it. When Im dismayed and angry, the whole world can witness. I frown, I thrust foul words… I am just human. I hate treacherous persons. I believe in karma.

I have strong will and determination to pursue my aspirations.

I am a child of the universe. No less than the sun and the trees. My existence has a purpose and whatever purpose it may be, Im glad Im here.