Hey everyone, remind me to update my profile by sending me a message. Thanks.

Jack5344: hello...
Seeking: Female Age 18 to 45
Status: 29 Single Straight Male
Interest In: No Strings Attached Rel.
Ethnicity: Asian
Living: Live with parents
Eye Catcher: Hair
Height: 5'6 inches
Body: Skinny
Hair/Eyes: Mohawk, Black
Smoke: No way
Drink: Never touch it
Exercise 2 times a week
Politics: None
Education: Some High School
Religion: Atheist
Income: $15,001 to $25,000
Occupation: No Answer
Offspring: None
Personality: Adventurous
Country: India

Hey everyone, remind me to update my profile by sending me a message. Thanks.

Classics  Metal  Pop  Rock  Rock N Roll