Single Male in Honduras, , Singles in Francisco Morazan, Tegucigalpa Male

Dexterwildt: hola chicas y mujeres bonitas y...
Seeking: Female Age 18 to 45
Status: 51 Single Straight Male
Interest In: Other
Ethnicity: Latino/Hispanic
Living: No Answer
Eye Catcher: Chest
Height: 5'5 inches
Body: Large and In charge
Hair/Eyes: Mohawk, Other
Smoke: No way
Drink: Never touch it
Exercise 4 times a week
Politics: No Answer
Education: Some College
Religion: Christian
Income: $15,001 to $25,000
Occupation: Despachador Ferreter
Offspring: None
Personality: Amazing
Country: Honduras

soy buena onda muy leido e informado