Single Male in United States, , Singles in Florida, Orlando Male

Sandid: hello...
Seeking: Female Age 18 to 90
Status: 64 No Answer Straight Male
Interest In: Casual Dating
Ethnicity: No Answer
Living: No Answer
Eye Catcher: No Answer
Height: 4'3 inches
Body: No Answer
Hair/Eyes: No Answer, No Answer
Smoke: No Answer
Drink: No Answer
Exercise No Answer
Politics: No Answer
Education: No Answer
Religion: No Answer
Income: $15,001 to $25,000
Occupation: No Answer
Offspring: No Answer
Personality: No Answer
Country: United States

salam ;
je cherche une femme mure pour fonder un petit foyer et une petite famille ;
je suis employé et je pratique également la medecine alternative et jai traité pas mal de maladies incurables telle que le cancer et les varices etc...
salam ;
I want a mature woman to found a small fireplace and a small family ;
I I am employed, and I also practice alternative medicine and I have treated many incurable diseases such as cancer and varicose veins etc ...